Private Pilates

Through stillness in strength, our body can endure anything we ask of it. I work privately with clients who want consistent, 30 minute flows integrated into their daily life. By establishing a base in our core, the powerhouse, we allow mobility and release in other parts of our bodies. A consistent practice encourages injury prevention while strengthening your mind-body connection.

With 4+ years of experience, I offer this instruction on the mat over Facetime or Zoom. 

Kathy, Retired Athlete
// Pilates Client

“Meg is wonderful to work with. We are focused and I feel energized after our sessions. She levels such a great emphasis on the mind-body connection that breaks up my day! Achieving great results.”

Tonya, Mental Skills Coach
// Pilates Client

“Meg's pilates lessons have been absolutely terrific for me and my riding. She is patient, clear, inspiring and has a very grounded approach to strength and wellness. I appreciate her guidance and flexibility in making our sessions work no matter where we both are in the world.”